The first of two let­ters from a man be­ing held on a men­tal health com­mit­ment at Pat­ton State Hos­pit­al is dated Sept. 15. The writer of the let­ter, Brent Knauer, is un­known to its re­cip­i­ent, iden­ti­fied by The Times by only her first name, Su­z­anne. She opened the let­ter to find the sa­luta­tion “Dearest Su­z­anne.” Con­cerned that she could be at risk, Su­z­anne has provided cop­ies of the let­ters to the pub­lic hos­pit­al.

Read the com­plete story: “Crim­in­al”s let­ters leave San Diego wo­man in fear.”

Published: Dec. 6, 2010

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