
Victorville grand jury report

The grand jury fo­cused on the fisc­al man­age­ment of Vic­tor­ville and its af­fil­i­ated South­ern Cali­for­nia Lo­gist­ics Air­port Au­thor­ity, which was es­tab­lished to re­devel­op 132-square miles in and around the former George Air Force Base, now known as the South­ern Cali­for­nia Lo­gist­ics Air­port. The audit re­vealed dis­par­ate and pos­sibly il­leg­al meas­ures the re­ces­sion-be­lea­guered city re­lied on to stave off in­solv­ency: dip­ping in­to san­it­a­tion funds, lend­ing wa­ter agency funds to bail out the city’s elec­tric util­ity and si­phon­ing $2 mil­lion in air­port bond funds to buy land for a city lib­rary.

Published: April 29, 2013
Sources: County of San Bernardino

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