
Los Angeles May­or Eric Gar­cetti an­nounced three new earth­quake pre­lim­in­ary fault study zones for the Hol­ly­wood-Ray­mond, Pa­los Verdes and Santa Mon­ica fault sys­tems. The new zones, colored in blue, yel­low, and aqua, mean that de­velopers will need to de­term­ine if an earth­quake fault is present or ab­sent un­der the pro­posed con­struc­tion site. To find if your prop­erty is in the new zone, go to zi­­, type in your ad­dress, and ...

The may­ors of Los Angeles, San Fran­cisco, Oak­land, Berke­ley and Santa Mon­ica are sup­port­ing a bill that would give own­ers a tax break off the cost of com­plet­ing an earth­quake ret­ro­fit on seis­mic­ally vul­ner­able build­ings.

The Cali­for­nia Geo­lo­gic­al Sur­vey has provided this doc­u­ment to help read­ers un­der­stand how to read the pre­lim­in­ary Hol­ly­wood fault zone map.

Mil­len­ni­um Hol­ly­wood’s re­sponse to the pre­lim­in­ary map by the Cali­for­nia Geo­lo­gic­al Sur­vey on the loc­a­tion of the Hol­ly­wood fault.

Ted Hamory, the head of the Oaks School, a private ele­ment­ary school that leases space in Hol­ly­wood United Meth­od­ist Church, re­sponds to ques­tions about the Hol­ly­wood fault.

One winter’s night in the year 1700, a mys­ter­i­ous tsunami flooded fields and washed away houses in Ja­pan. It ar­rived without warn­ing that a nearby earth­quake usu­ally provides. Samurai, mer­chants, and vil­la­gers re­cor­ded the event, but nearly three cen­tur­ies would pass be­fore dis­cov­er­ies in North Amer­ica re­vealed the tsunami’s source. The Orphan Tsunami of 1700 tells the sci­entif­ic de­tect­ive story through clues from both sides of the Pa­cific. The evid­ence ...

Gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials ex­plain what a mag­nitude 9.0 earth­quake on the Cas­ca­dia fault could do to North­ern Cali­for­nia, Ore­gon, Wash­ing­ton and Brit­ish Columbia.

Los Angeles City Coun­cil­man Bern­ard C. Parks wants to al­low own­ers who seis­mic­ally ret­ro­fit apart­ment build­ings to pass on the costs of earth­quake strength­en­ing to ten­ants. He said he wants the city to ex­plore giv­ing apart­ment own­ers an ex­emp­tion from the city’s rent con­trol law as part of a lar­ger ef­fort by city of­fi­cials to get thou­sands of build­ings vul­ner­able to col­lapse dur­ing a ma­jor temblor strengthened.

Los Angeles proposal on soft-story buildings

Los Angeles Coun­cil­man Tom La­Bonge is call­ing on the city to con­sider an in­vent­ory of thou­sands of so-called soft-story build­ings — many of them apart­ments — that dot the re­gion. Seis­mic ex­perts and en­gin­eers have long warned that this type of wood-framed build­ing is par­tic­u­larly vul­ner­able to col­lapse dur­ing a ma­jor earth­quake, be­cause the first story can­not sup­port the weight of the up­per stor­ies.