
FBI affidavit about building inspector Hugo Gonzalez

State­ment of FBI Spe­cial Agent Teresa L. Brand in sup­port of ar­rest war­rant for Los Angeles city build­ing in­spect­or Raoul Joseph Ger­main. Ger­main and Hugo Joel Gonza­lez were ar­res­ted and are now fa­cing fed­er­al bribery charges.

Au­thor­it­ies say the build­ing in­spect­ors ac­cep­ted as many as 40 cash bribes and a va­ca­tion in ex­change for ap­prov­ing and fast-track­ing per­mits.

Published: April 8, 2011
Sources: U.S. Attorney’s Office
Credits: Ben Welsh, Kimi Yoshino

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