
Food Hardship in America, 2010

One in five Cali­for­ni­ans said they struggled to af­ford enough food for them­selves and their fam­ily last year, ac­cord­ing to a new re­port by the Food Re­search and Ac­tion Cen­ter.

The re­port, an­not­ated be­low, was based on data col­lec­ted for the Gal­lup-Health­ways Well-Be­ing In­dex pro­ject, which con­duc­ted tele­phone in­ter­views with more than 350,000 people, in­clud­ing 35,543 in Cali­for­nia.

Browse, search or down­load in­ter­act­ive tables of all 50 states or the top 100 met­ro­pol­it­an areas.Read More: Re­port finds 20% of Cali­for­ni­ans struggled to feed their fam­il­ies in 2010

Published: March 5, 2011
Sources: Food Research and Action Center
Credits: Megan Garvey, Ben Welsh

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