
Jaycee Dugard case findings

El Dor­ado County Dis­trict At­tor­ney Vern Pier­son re­leased a 162-page re­port Tues­day de­tail­ing the ab­duc­tion and en­slave­ment of Jaycee Dugard by Phil­lip Gar­rido. The re­port, which fo­cuses on the many fail­ures of the crim­in­al justice sys­tem to pre­vent the crime, dir­ects par­tic­u­larly sharp cri­ti­cism at the justice sys­tem for an “over-re­li­ance upon the psy­chi­at­ric pro­fes­sion to pre­dict fu­ture dan­ger­ous­ness.” Gar­rido was a con­victed sex of­fend­er on pa­role when he ad­buc­ted then 11-year-old Jaycee while she was on her way to school in 1991.

Published: Aug. 2, 2011
Sources: El Dorado County District Attorney’s office
Credits: Megan Garvey, Ken Schwencke, Ben Welsh

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