Gas leaks at PG&E storage fields

Only one of the dozen un­der­ground gas stor­age fa­cil­it­ies in Cali­for­nia had no leak­ing gas wells or fix­tures, ac­cord­ing to tests ordered after the blo­wout of a well in south­ern Cali­for­nia.
The 229 leaks re­por­ted by the Cali­for­nia Pub­lic Util­it­ies Com­mis­sion on Tues­day in­cluded 84 in fields op­er­ated by PG&E;, in­clud­ing eight that were con­sidered a safety haz­ard. The com­pany told reg­u­lat­ors it had fixed most of those, in­clud­ing six of the haz­ard­ous leaks. The re­main­ing two haz­ard­ous leaks were no longer emit­ting gas, the com­pany said.

Sources: California Public Utilities Commission