Gaultiere Creditors Objection

The com­mit­tee rep­res­ent­ing Crys­tal Cathed­ral’s cred­it­ors ob­jec­ted to the church’s re­quest to pay Wil­li­am Gault­iere, part-time Pas­tor of Spir­itu­al Form­a­tion Min­is­tries and son-in-law of Chief Fin­an­cial Of­ficer Fred Southard, an an­nu­al total of $61,955.92, in­clud­ing a $59,202 tax-ex­empt hous­ing al­low­ance. The com­mit­tee sug­ges­ted the role could be filled by vo­lun­teers.

Published: Nov. 23, 2010

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