
Kamala Harris bows out of housing investigation

Cali­for­nia Atty. Gen. Kamala Har­ris will no longer take part in a na­tion­al fore­clos­ure probe of some of the na­tion’s biggest banks, which are ac­cused of per­vas­ive mis­con­duct in deal­ing with troubled homeown­ers.

Har­ris re­moved her­self from talks by a co­ali­tion of state at­tor­neys gen­er­al and fed­er­al agen­cies in­vest­ig­at­ing ab­us­ive fore­clos­ure prac­tices be­cause the na­tion’s five largest mort­gage ser­vice­rs were not of­fer­ing Cali­for­nia homeown­ers re­lief com­men­sur­ate to what people in the state had suffered, Har­ris told the Times on Fri­day.

Published: Sept. 30, 2011
Sources: Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General, State of California
Credits: Nathan Olivarez-Giles, Ben Welsh

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