Jared Lee Loughner search warrant

Au­thor­it­ies on Wed­nes­day re­leased search war­rants in the in­vest­ig­a­tion of Jared Lee Lough­ner that de­tail weapons re­covered from the Tuc­son home he shared with his par­ents, as well as a let­ter from Demo­crat­ic Rep. Gab­ri­elle Gif­fords ad­dressed to “Jared Lough­ney” and hand­writ­ten notes ref­er­en­cing plans and his “as­sas­sin­a­tion love.”

Lough­ner, 22, has been in­dicted on mul­tiple counts of murder and at­temp­ted murder in the Jan. 8 shoot­ings at a Tuc­son shop­ping plaza that killed six and wounded 13. Gif­fords was crit­ic­ally wounded when she was shot in the head.

Published: March 9, 2011
Sources: U.S. District Court of Arizona
Credits: Megan Garvey, Maloy Moore, Anthony Pesce

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