Documents detail misconduct by L.A. sheriff’s deputies

Jeffrey L. Moore letter of intent to discipline

Dur­ing an in­tern­al af­fairs in­vest­ig­a­tion, Jef­frey Moore ad­mit­ted to cut­ting up his wife’s blouse, wrest­ling with her over her cell­phone and threat­en­ing her with a steak knife, ac­cord­ing to a Sher­iff’s De­part­ment dis­cip­lin­ary let­ter filed in court. The de­part­ment handed down a 15-day sus­pen­sion in 2009 for fam­ily vi­ol­ence. Moore was tried twice and the second tri­al ended in a mis­tri­al. The charges were dis­missed.

Sources: Los Angeles County Superior Court