
L.A. County plastic bag ban ordinance

The Los Angeles County Board of Su­per­visors voted Tues­day to ban plastic gro­cery bags in areas of the county un­der its jur­is­dic­tion, en­dors­ing a broadly worded meas­ure that pro­ponents hope could be­come a mod­el for Cali­for­nia.

The ban, which goes bey­ond or­din­ances ad­op­ted in Malibu and San Fran­cisco, most dir­ectly af­fects 1.1 mil­lion people who live out­side the county’s in­cor­por­ated cit­ies. But any­one shop­ping at stores in such areas would en­counter the new rules.

Read the com­plete story: L.A. County passes sweep­ing ban on plastic bags.”

A look at the or­din­ance and some of its key pro­vi­sions is be­low.

Published: Nov. 16, 2010

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