Priest abuse: Father Robert Van Handel

Robert Van Handel. Credit: California Department of Justice
For years, Damien Eckert had been part of an effort to pry confidential files from clergy members at St. Anthony’s Seminary who’d been accused of molesting children, a battle that went all the way up to the California Supreme Court.
The day the files were made public last May, Eckert, 44, read the words of Father Robert Van Handel, the priest he says abused him. Below are documents from Van Handel’s file.
— Ashley Powers
Father Robert Van Handel’s handwritten letter to the Vatican requesting that he be defrocked, or freed from his religious vows.
Jan. 15, 2013
By Ashley Powers
A 1992 letter to Cardinal Roger M. Mahony from the parents of a boy allegedly abused by Father Robert Van Handel.
Jan. 15, 2013
By Ashley Powers
A 1992 letter written to Father Robert Van Handel and church officials by the parents of a boy he allegedly abused.
Jan. 15, 2013
By Ashley Powers
The Franciscans assembled a board of inquiry in the early 1990s. The panel concluded in 1993 that 11 clergy members at St. Anthony’s Seminary had molested at least 34 boys.
Jan. 15, 2013
By Ashley Powers
A sexual autobiography written by Father Robert Van Handel for a therapist that describes sexual events throughout his life, including his abuse of children.
Jan. 15, 2013
By Ashley Powers
A social worker’s evaluation of Father Robert Van Handel for a probation officer.