LAPD accuses Salazar of “personal attack” against chief

This March 13, 1970, memo was writ­ten to LAPD Chief Ed Dav­is by one of his aides. It was sparked by a Salaz­ar column pub­lished in The Times that same day, which was in­cluded in the LAPD file on the news­man. The file ap­pears to have been com­piled after the weekly column was pub­lished. The column re­por­ted about a meet­ing between Dav­is and Latino news­men. By the time this memo was writ­ten, Salaz­ar and his KMEX-TV news crews had clashed with the LAPD over the sta­tion’s ag­gress­ive cov­er­age of tense re­la­tions between po­lice and res­id­ents on L.A’s East­side. In his column, Salaz­ar wrote that Latino news­men had told Dav­is that they might go over his head if he did not ap­point a de­part­ment li­ais­on to the Latino com­munity. In an ap­par­ent ref­er­ence to that, the chief’s aide ac­cused Salaz­ar of a “per­son­al at­tack” against Dav­is. As the aide noted to Dav­is, the last time someone had tried to tell an LAPD chief how to run the de­part­ment, that chief “tore the hide” of the back of that per­son.

Published: Feb. 19, 2011

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