
L.A. Police Commission report on Westlake shooting

A day after the Los Angeles Po­lice Com­mis­sion con­cluded that a po­lice of­ficer was jus­ti­fied when he fatally shot a drunk, knife-wield­ing man on a busy street corner, the over­sight body re­leased a de­tailed re­port that fur­ther elab­or­ated on the in­cid­ent and its de­cision.

The 21-page re­port of­fers de­tails of the killing of Manuel Jam­ines, which triggered days of un­rest and ri­ot­ing in the West­lake neigh­bor­hood where the shoot­ing oc­curred. It in­cludes, for ex­ample, de­tailed ac­counts of the in­cid­ent from the per­spect­ive of the three of­ficers who re­spon­ded to the scene, as well as sev­er­al eye wit­nesses.

Published: March 16, 2011
Credits: Joel Rubin, Ben Welsh

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