
Lehman compensation documents

The pay pack­ages for 50 of Leh­man Broth­ers’ most highly com­pensated em­ploy­ees from 2005 to 2007. The top earner was awar­ded $100 mil­lion over those three years. Oth­er re­cords dis­closed how much some new hires were offered in bo­nuses and the com­pens­a­tion plans for ana­lysts. The doc­u­ments also in­clude a re­port in which Leh­man ex­ec­ut­ives pro­posed in­creas­ing how much was spent on com­pens­a­tion in 2008. The doc­u­ments emerged in Leh­man’s re­cord-break­ing bank­ruptcy case.

Published: April 27, 2012
Credits: Walter Hamilton, Maloy Moore, Ben Welsh

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