Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum e-mails

These 100 or so pages of doc­u­ments are emails sent to or writ­ten by of­fi­cials of the Los Angeles Me­mori­al Coli­seum and their rep­res­ent­at­ives. They were sent an­onym­ously to, among oth­ers, Gov. Jerry Brown, May­or Eric Gar­cetti and many oth­er pub­lic of­fi­cials. The com­mis­sion un­suc­cess­fully sought a court or­der to stop the Los Angeles Times from pub­lish­ing these re­cords or in­form­a­tion from them. They are un­ed­ited and con­tain coarse lan­guage. The emails were sent to The Times with purple mark­ings on them.

Published: Sept. 13, 2013

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