Superseding indictment of Jared Lee Loughner

Jared Lee Lough­ner may face the death pen­alty for newly filed crim­in­al charges, in­clud­ing the slay­ing of a fed­er­al judge and a con­gres­sion­al aide in the same shoot­ing that crit­ic­ally wounded Demo­crat­ic Rep. Gab­ri­elle D. Gif­fords in Janu­ary.

Lough­ner, 22, was in­dicted by a fed­er­al grand jury on the new murder al­leg­a­tion, and fed­er­al pro­sec­utors in Phoenix said the case now “in­volves po­ten­tial death-pen­alty charges” that could send him to death row for killing six and wound­ing 13 at Gif­fords’ Jan. 8 event at a Tuc­son shop­ping plaza.

Read the story: New charges mean Jared Lee Lough­ner may face death pen­alty for Tuc­son killings

Published: March 4, 2011
Sources: U.S. District Court of Arizona
Credits: Megan Garvey, Ben Welsh

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