
McCourt loan vs. MLB loan: Compare the terms

On Wed­nes­day, a Delaware judge is set to de­cide wheth­er the Dodgers should be fin­anced through their bank­ruptcy pro­ceed­ings with a loan ar­ranged by team own­er Frank Mc­Court or a loan provided by Ma­jor League Base­ball. Mc­Court’s at­tor­neys ar­gue that the Dodgers should not be com­pelled to take a loan from MLB be­cause that could give the league ex­cess­ive con­trol over an own­er to which Com­mis­sion­er Bud Se­lig is hos­tile. In re­sponse, MLB says the is­sue at hand should be which loan would be bet­ter for the Dodgers by cost­ing the Dodgers less money. In a court fil­ing on Monday, MLB in­cluded this chart com­par­ing the two pro­posed loans.

Published: July 18, 2011

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