
Measures of Effective Teaching Research Paper

The Meas­ures of Ef­fect­ive Teach­ing pro­ject, fun­ded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Found­a­tion, is a ground­break­ing ef­fort to identi­fy re­li­able meas­ures of teach­er per­form­ance through an in­tens­ive study of 3,000 teach­ers across the coun­try us­ing mul­tiple types of per­form­ance meas­ures, ran­ging from test scores to soph­ist­ic­ated ob­ser­va­tion tools and stu­dent and par­ent sur­veys. Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults re­leased Fri­day sug­gest value-ad­ded meas­ures and stu­dent sur­veys are both good at identi­fy­ing the most ef­fect­ive teach­ers.

Published: Dec. 10, 2010

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