Michael Kamrava’s medical license revoked

The Beverly Hills fer­til­ity doc­tor who as­sisted Nadya Sule­man in con­ceiv­ing oc­tup­lets will have his li­cense re­voked, the Med­ic­al Board of Cali­for­nia ruled Wed­nes­day. The board found that Dr. Mi­chael Kam­rava had “com­mit­ted acts of gross neg­li­gence and re­peated neg­li­gent acts” in his care of Sule­man and an­oth­er pa­tient and had com­mit­ted “re­peated neg­li­gent acts” in his care of a third pa­tient. The re­voc­a­tion is sched­uled to take ef­fect Ju­ly 1.

Published: June 1, 2011

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