Monitor for Bell rejected

In a rul­ing that dis­ap­poin­ted many Bell city act­iv­ists and res­id­ents, Los Angeles County Su­per­i­or Court Judge Robert H. O’Bri­en re­jec­ted a re­quest by the Cali­for­nia at­tor­ney gen­er­al to ap­point an of­fi­cial to mon­it­or their scan­dal-plagued city. The rul­ing adds a new level of un­cer­tainty in a city where all but one coun­cil mem­ber faces crim­in­al charges and the city man­age­ment re­mains un­der fire. O’Bri­en had ex­pressed mis­giv­ings about court over­sight of a city that has op­er­ated in­de­pend­ently since the late 1920s.

Read The Times com­plete cov­er­age of the Bell salary scan­dal.

Published: Dec. 7, 2010

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