
Obsolete vs. Restoration Hardware

In a law­suit filed in Los Angeles County Su­per­i­or Court earli­er this month, Ob­sol­ete ac­cused Res­tor­a­tion Hard­ware of in­ten­tion­al mis­rep­res­ent­a­tion, false ad­vert­ising and un­fair com­pet­i­tion, among oth­er leg­al claims, all stem­ming from what Ob­sol­ete own­er Ray Azoulay said were the chain store’s re­pro­duc­tions of vin­tage fur­nish­ings that he had col­lec­ted and sold at Ob­sol­ete.

Published: April 29, 2011
Sources: Los Angeles Superior Court
Credits: Megan Garvey, Anthony Pesce, Michael Robinson

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