Octomom Nadya Suleman in experimental study

The Beverly Hills fer­til­ity doc­tor who as­sisted Nadya Sule­man in con­ceiv­ing oc­tup­lets was cited by fed­er­al reg­u­lat­ors for us­ing an ex­per­i­ment­al pro­ced­ure without her in­formed con­sent, ac­cord­ing to testi­mony Thursday at a state med­ic­al board hear­ing in down­town Los Angeles.

Dr. Mi­chael Kam­rava’s med­ic­al li­cense could be re­voked if it is de­term­ined that he was grossly neg­li­gent in his treat­ment of Sule­man and two oth­er fe­male pa­tients: a 48-year-old who suffered com­plic­a­tions after she be­came preg­nant with quad­ruplets and a 42-year-old dia­gnosed with ad­vanced ovari­an can­cer after re­ceiv­ing fer­til­ity treat­ments.

The study at is­sue was pub­lished this year in a Tehran-based aca­dem­ic journ­al. Some key pas­sages are high­lighted be­low.

Published: Nov. 18, 2010

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