Criminal complaint against Oregon protesters

Since Jan. 2, Am­mon Bundy and oth­er armed act­iv­ists had oc­cu­pied the Mal­heur Na­tion­al Wild­life Refuge in Ore­gon to protest the gov­ern­ment’s pro­sec­u­tion of two loc­al ranch­ers — as well as fed­er­al ad­min­is­tra­tion of pub­lic lands in the West.

On Tues­day, one oc­cu­pi­er was killed and eight oth­ers were in cus­tody on fed­er­al charges after sur­prise ar­rests and an al­ter­ca­tion between au­thor­it­ies and some of the pro­test­ers.

Be­low is the fed­er­al crim­in­al com­plaint against those ar­res­ted.