From the archives: How The Times covered China’s Cultural Revolution

Peking University was seedbed of Red revolt (Jan. 1968)

The ‘old cadres,’ who con­trolled the uni­versity’s ad­min­is­tra­tion and dom­in­ated the fac­ulty, had already been badly shaken by the Maoist at­tacks on their fel­lows in oth­er uni­versit­ies and the pub­lish­ing world when a plump, middle-aged in­struct­or in the Philo­sophy De­part­ment startled the cam­pus with an in­dict­ment writ large that was the ‘first big-char­ac­ter poster of the Great Pro­let­ari­an Cul­tur­al Re­volu­tion.’”

Sources: Los Angeles Times archives

Credits: Robert S. Elegant