
Prison inspection finds problems

This is the sum­mary re­port cre­ated by the Pris­on Law Of­fice after tour­ing Cali­for­nia’s new­est pris­on in early Janu­ary. The massive Cali­for­nia Health Care Fa­cil­ity opened six months ago to provide med­ic­al treat­ment and psy­chi­at­ric care to more than 1,700 in­mates. It re­mains only par­tially opened. In­spect­ors found short­ages in med­ic­al sup­plies, hy­giene pro­vi­sions, and staff­ing. In­mates con­ten­ded nurs­ing calls went un­answered and pos­sibly con­trib­uted to the death of one pris­on­ers. New ad­mis­sions at the pris­on were hal­ted on Fri­day by a court-ap­poin­ted over­seer.

Published: Feb. 4, 2014
Credits: Paige St. John

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