Progress report on LAFD data reforms

Emer­gency re­sponse times provided by Los Angeles fire of­fi­cials to City Hall lead­ers can­not be trus­ted be­cause of prob­lems with soft­ware used to pre­pare the num­bers, ac­cord­ing to re­port by Jeff Godown, an ex­pert as­signed to audit the Fire De­part­ment’s data ana­lys­is.

The re­port called on the de­part­ment to stop us­ing the soft­ware un­til the prob­lem is fixed and re­com­men­ded an over­haul of the unit that ana­lyzes stat­ist­ics for Fire Chief Bri­an Cum­mings, ac­cord­ing to a copy of the re­port ob­tained Monday night by The Times.

Published: May 14, 2012
Credits: Ben Welsh

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