Read the bill: GOP proposal for replacing Obamacare

This is House Re­pub­lic­ans’ plan to re­place the Af­ford­able Care Act, also known as Obama­care. They re­leased the pro­pos­al Monday. It would roll back Obama­care’s ex­tens­ive sys­tem for provid­ing health in­sur­ance to mil­lions of Amer­ic­ans, elim­in­ate in 2020 the fed­er­al aid that has al­lowed 31 states to ex­pand their Medi­caid pro­grams to mil­lions of pre­vi­ously un­in­sured poor people, and re­struc­ture the tax sub­sidies that help Amer­ic­ans who don’t get cov­er­age through an em­ploy­er to buy health plans.
