Read the New York Times’ response to Donald Trump’s lawyers

Mul­tiple wo­men re­coun­ted be­ing kissed and groped by Don­ald Trump without their con­sent in re­ports pub­lished Oct. 12, say­ing they came for­ward be­cause the GOP pres­id­en­tial nom­in­ee dis­missed his lewd com­ments caught on tape as “lock­er room talk,” not ac­tu­al sexu­al ag­gres­sion.

Trump’s at­tor­neys de­man­ded a re­trac­tion from the New York Times, say­ing the pa­per’s art­icle about two wo­men’s claims is “reck­less, de­fam­at­ory and con­sti­tutes li­bel per se.”