Reader-reported documents

Nov. 7, 2011  By Kimi Yoshino
June 20, 2011  By Kimi Yoshino
En­cin­itas res­id­ent Kev­in Cum­mins filed a law­suit de­mand­ing that the city turn over pub­lic re­cords. A court found in Cum­mins' fa­vor and ordered the city to re­lease the doc­u­ments. The city has filed a no­tice of ap­peal.
June 20, 2011  By Kimi Yoshino
Los Angeles City Coun­cil­man Bill Rosendahl sent city of­fi­cials a num­ber of ques­tions about AEG's pro­pos­al to build a down­town foot­ball sta­di­um while ex­pand­ing the city's con­ven­tion cen­ter.
May 18, 2011  By Eric Preven
Los Angeles County res­id­ent Eric Pre­ven said he has found it dif­fi­cult to find timely Board of Su­per­visors tran­scripts pos­ted to the county’s web site. A curs­ory re­view by The Times found the tran­scripts avail­able here.
April 12, 2011  By Barry Allen
Elec­ted of­fi­cials are re­quired to file an an­nu­al State­ment of Eco­nom­ic In­terests — a Form 700 — which dis­closes po­ten­tial con­flicts of in­terest.
April 11, 2011  By Eric Michael Cap
The city of Burb­ank has re­leased spread­sheets show­ing gross earn­ings for reg­u­lar, full-time city em­ploy­ees for the 2009 cal­en­dar year. This doc­u­ment only shows people earn­ing more than $100,000.
April 11, 2011  By Eric Michael Cap
The city of Burb­ank has re­leased spread­sheets show­ing salar­ies for all reg­u­lar, full-time city em­ploy­ees for the 2010 cal­en­dar year.
March 22, 2011  By Venice Stakeholders Association
The Venice Stake­hold­ers As­so­ci­ation filed mul­tiple pub­lic re­cords re­quests with the city of Los Angeles — por­tions of which were re­peatedly denied.
March 21, 2011  By Sharon and Steve Wolff
An audit of city salar­ies un­covered some ser­i­ous fin­an­cial con­cerns about the fu­ture eco­nom­ic sta­bil­ity of the tiny Hum­boldt County com­munity.
March 21, 2011  By Sharon and Steve Wolff
Shar­on and Steve Wolff bought their home in the tiny town of Rio Dell with a loan from the First Time Home Buy­ers Pro­gram. They said they be­lieve it is an ex­cel­lent pro­gram, but wondered how Rio Dell was mon­it­or­ing and us­ing the funds.
March 17, 2011  By Barry Allen
Gl­end­ale res­id­ent Barry Al­len re­ques­ted doc­u­ments that showed how the city was spend­ing funds from the Amer­ic­an Re­cov­ery Act — and wheth­er it was res­ult­ing in any job cre­ation. He said he re­ques­ted the doc­u­ments be­cause he wanted to see wheth­er the city was us­ing the money ap­pro­pri­ately.
March 17, 2011  By Barry Allen
Gl­end­ale city em­ploy­ee can re­ceive per­form­ance bo­nuses. Res­id­ent Barry Al­len re­ques­ted re­cords of the bo­nuses re­ceived since 1999 and the re­com­mend­a­tions that led to mer­it pay. The city re­leased the re­cords — with all in­form­a­tion about why the em­ploy­ees re­ceived the bo­nuses re­dac­ted.
March 17, 2011  By Barry Allen
Elec­ted of­fi­cials are re­quired to file an an­nu­al State­ment of Eco­nom­ic In­terests — a Form 700 — which dis­closes po­ten­tial con­flicts of in­terest.
Bell res­id­ent Ro­ger Ramirez filed a pub­lic re­cords re­quest in 2008, ask­ing for the salary of city of­fi­cials after hear­ing ru­mors of high pay. The city re­spon­ded to his re­quest, but the num­bers were later proven to be false. Based on the in­ac­cur­ate in­form­a­tion provided to the pub­lic in this doc­u­ment, Robert Rizzo will stand tri­al on charges that he fals­i­fied pub­lic re­cords.
March 16, 2011  By Gwilym McGrew
Gwilym Mc­Grew, a re­tired Wood­land Hills busi­ness­man, took an in­terest in Bell after read­ing about the city in the Times. Through his at­tor­ney, he made nu­mer­ous re­cords re­quest. One re­quest re­lated to the city of Bell’s busi­ness deal­ings with ex-Bell may­or Peter Wer­rlein, which were re­por­ted by The Times.
March 15, 2011  By Edward C. Caprielian
Be­low is Man­hat­tan Beach City Man­ager Geoff Dolan’s re­stated em­ploy­ment agree­ment, provided by Times read­er Ed­ward C. Capri­eli­an who has pur­sued nu­mer­ous pub­lic re­cords in Man­hat­tan Beach, where he lives.
March 15, 2011  By Edward C. Caprielian
Be­low is Man­hat­tan Beach City Man­ager Geoff Dolan’s sev­er­ance agree­ment, provided by Times read­er Ed­ward C. Capri­eli­an who has pur­sued nu­mer­ous pub­lic re­cords in Man­hat­tan Beach, where he lives.