
Rejection of case in sheriff’s deputy brawl

Pro­sec­utors have de­clined to file crim­in­al charges against a group of Los Angeles County sher­iff’s depu­ties ac­cused of as­sault­ing three fel­low depu­ties at a Christ­mas party last year.

The vi­ol­ence that broke out at a de­part­ment party in Mon­te­bello drew wide­spread at­ten­tion after those in­volved were de­scribed as be­ing part of an ag­gress­ive depu­ties’ clique at Men’s Cent­ral Jail known to throw gang-like hand signs.

Published: July 6, 2011
Sources: Los Angeles County District Attorney
Credits: Robert Faturechi, Maloy Moore, Ben Welsh

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