
Report: Drop in cellphones sending caller location to 911

Cel­lu­lar phone net­works across Cali­for­nia are fail­ing to prop­erly de­liv­er the loc­a­tion of 911 callers to emer­gency res­cuers in a grow­ing ma­jor­ity of calls for help, ac­cord­ing to a re­port re­leased by ad­voc­ates for the state’s emer­gency dis­patch­ers.

While the cause is un­clear, the re­port notes that the net­works of AT&T and T-Mo­bile have a seen severe de­clines in loc­a­tion de­liv­er­ies while oth­er cel­lu­lar car­ri­ers have been on the rise.

Published: Aug. 12, 2013
Sources: CalNENA

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