Un­der a pro­posed mer­ger plan of Hol­ly­wood’s act­ors’ uni­ons, na­tion­al of­ficers, in­clud­ing the pres­id­ent and sec­ret­ary-treas­urer, would be elec­ted dir­ectly by mem­bers. Oth­er po­s­i­tions would be elec­ted by del­eg­ates at a con­ven­tion held every two years. Here’s a look at the key doc­u­ments:

— Richard Verrier

Jan. 31, 2012  By Richard Verrier
Mem­bers of SAG and AF­TRA will get to vote on a mer­ger agree­ment, con­sti­tu­tion and dues plan for what would be Hol­ly­wood’s largest en­ter­tain­ment uni­on, com­bin­ing act­ors as well as sing­ers, dan­cers, talk show hosts and broad­cast journ­al­ists un­der a single roof.
Jan. 31, 2012  By Richard Verrier
The Screen Act­ors Guild and the Amer­ic­an Fed­er­a­tion of Tele­vi­sion and Ra­dio Artists on Tues­day pos­ted de­tails of a mer­ger pack­age over­whelm­ingly ap­proved by their re­spect­ive boards last week­end.