Office of Independent Review final report

The re­port by the Of­fice of In­de­pend­ent Re­view is the first out­side ex­am­in­a­tion of thou­sands of pages of Sher­iff’s De­part­ment re­cords in a killing that has been clouded by sus­pi­cion, con­tro­versy and cri­ti­cism for 40 years. The 20-page re­port, which provides pre­vi­ously un­re­leased de­tails about the case, does not as­sign blame or wrong­do­ing, not­ing that its pur­pose is to re­view a his­tor­ic in­cid­ent from the per­spect­ive of mod­ern-day poli­cing and cur­rent de­part­ment policies and pro­ced­ures.

Doc­u­ments: Re­view a cache of doc­u­ments from Salaz­ar’s con­tro­ver­sial ca­reer

Published: Feb. 22, 2011

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