
Sam Oschin: Crossing the Alps in Hannibal’s Foosteps

The Cali­for­nia Sci­ence Cen­ter mu­seum has re­ceived what of­fi­cials de­scribe as an “ex­traordin­ary” fin­an­cial con­tri­bu­tion to the new Air and Space Cen­ter that will house the space shuttle En­deav­our.
The gift hon­ors Los Angeles busi­ness­man and phil­an­throp­ist Samuel Oschin, who was pro­filed in The Times in 1979 for his au­da­cious plan to cross the Alps in Han­ni­bal’s foot­steps — which he com­pleted suc­cess­fully.

Published: May 16, 2012
Credits: Los Angeles Times

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