San Fernando scandal

Scan­dals in­volving of­fi­cials in the city of San Fernando have res­id­ents ir­ate be­cause at­ten­tion is be­ing di­ver­ted from ser­i­ous prob­lems, in­clud­ing a large budget de­fi­cit and deep cuts to ser­vices.

In April 2011, Maria Ba­ra­jas a teen­age po­lice ca­det filed a law­suit claim­ing that she had been fired after hav­ing a months-long af­fair with San Fernando Po­lice Chief Marco An­thony Ruelas.
In the fi­nal minute of a Novem­ber coun­cil meet­ing, San Fernando May­or Mario Hernan­dez an­nounced that he had lost his busi­ness and filed per­son­al and cor­por­ate bank­ruptcy.