
Schenter’s emails involving USC

A key fig­ure in the on­go­ing cor­rup­tion scan­dal at the Los Angeles County as­sessor’s of­fice said he gave cash and perks worth thou­sands of dol­lars to two USC ath­letes while they were still in school, ac­tions that could vi­ol­ate col­lege sports rules.

The al­leg­a­tions are con­tained among hun­dreds of Scott Schenter’s county work emails that sug­gest the former ap­praiser provided foot­ball star Joe McK­night with a car and an air­line tick­et, and bas­ket­ball play­er Dav­on Jef­fer­son with about $3,700 in cash. The Times ob­tained the emails from the as­sessor’s of­fice un­der the Cali­for­nia Pub­lic Re­cords Act

Published: Sept. 1, 2012
Credits: Jack Dolan, Ben Welsh

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