
Bud Selig’s letter rejecting Fox contract

The tele­vi­sion con­tract that Dodgers own­er Frank Mc­Court presen­ted as the team’s fin­an­cial sal­va­tion would in­stead have crippled the club’s abil­ity to com­pete and saddled Mc­Court and his af­fil­i­ated com­pan­ies with close to $1 bil­lion in debt, Com­mis­sion­er Bud Se­lig wrote in a 11-page let­ter re­ject­ing the deal.

In the let­ter, Se­lig also wrote that he had learned the In­tern­al Rev­en­ue Ser­vice was in­vest­ig­at­ing Mc­Court’s tax re­turns from 2006, 2007 and 2008. The let­ter, dated June 20, is in­cluded among court fil­ings in the Dodgers’ bank­ruptcy case.

Published: July 22, 2011

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