
Playboy’s mystery outbreak

The bac­teria that cause Le­gion­naires’ dis­ease have been found in the Play­boy Man­sion’s grotto, the famed ar­ti­fi­cial cave that houses a whirl­pool spa.

Pre­vi­ously, health au­thor­it­ies had said only that the bac­teria le­gion­ella pneu­mo­phila were iden­ti­fied at a whirl­pool spa at the Play­boy Man­sion. The pre­cise loc­a­tion of that spa was made pub­lic dur­ing a present­a­tion by Dr. Caitlin Reed at a con­fer­ence of the Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion in At­lanta last week. The Times re­viewed a copy of the present­a­tion on Fri­day. Read more »

Published: April 22, 2011
Sources: Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Credits: Rong-Gong Lin II, Maloy Moore, Ben Welsh

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