In 1987, the prom­in­ent Mil­wau­kee pe­di­at­ri­cian ad­mit­ted to fond­ling two scouts at a Boy Scout camp in Wis­con­sin. Po­lice were no­ti­fied but the par­ents of the vic­tims op­ted not to press charges. A Mil­wau­kee news­pa­per pub­lish­er who sat on the Scout­ing board was aware of the situ­ation but in­dic­ated he would not in­form his ed­it­ors, ac­cord­ing to Kow­al­ski’s file. Kow­al­ski con­tin­ued to work with chil­dren over the next 14 years.

Published: Sept. 14, 2012

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