Documents detail misconduct by L.A. sheriff’s deputies

Timothy Jimenez DA reject memo

Timothy Ji­me­nez was in­vest­ig­ated for al­legedly tip­ping off the girl­friend of a drug deal­er about an in­vest­ig­a­tion in­volving an in­form­ant, ac­cord­ing to a dis­trict at­tor­ney’s memo. A pro­sec­utor de­clined to file charges, but sharply cri­ti­cized the deputy’s ac­tions as “po­ten­tially dan­ger­ous and life threat­en­ing” as well as “a blatant be­tray­al of his fel­low law en­force­ment per­son­nel,” the memo shows.

Sources: Los Angeles County district attorney’s office