
Many Los Angeles Times writers were drawn to the new down­town art­work called by its cre­at­or a “poly­phon­ic kin­et­ic tower” and many things by oth­ers, in­clud­ing the “Mil­lion Dol­lar Juke­box.”

Times Staff Writer Dave Smith was the first to take the sculp­ture ser­i­ously, well kind of, in this hu­mor­ous re­view.

While speak­ing at an ele­ment­ary school, May­or Tom Brad­ley gave a proph­et­ic an­swer to a child’s ques­tion. See the last two para­graphs of this re­port.

The Los Angeles Times ed­it­or­i­al board opines that the Tri­fori­um might be the type of “pro­voc­at­ive urb­an hap­pen­ing” that down­town needs, but maybe it won’t.

Los Angeles Times colum­nist Jack Smith finds a vis­it to the Tri­fori­um an en­joy­able in­ter­lude.

In a let­ter to The Times, arts maven Tamara Thomas says the Tri­fori­um isn’t worthy of Los Angeles. The city should send it to Chica­go.

Joseph Young, the cre­at­or of the Tri­fori­um, blasts his crit­ics and pleads for his art work to be lib­er­ated from bur­eau­crat­ic con­straints so the whole com­munity can be­ne­fit from it.