
United States v. Jones

The Su­preme Court ruled un­an­im­ously Monday that po­lice must get a search war­rant be­fore us­ing GPS tech­no­logy to track crim­in­al sus­pects. The GPS device helped au­thor­it­ies link Wash­ing­ton, D.C., nightclub own­er Ant­oine Jones to a sub­urb­an house used to stash money and drugs. He was sen­tenced to life in pris­on be­fore the ap­peals court over­turned the con­vic­tion. As­so­ci­ate Justice Ant­on­in Scalia said that the gov­ern­ment’s in­stall­a­tion of a GPS device, and its use to mon­it­or the vehicle’s move­ments, con­sti­tutes a search, mean­ing that a war­rant is re­quired.

Published: Jan. 23, 2012
Sources: Associated Press, U.S. Supreme Court
Credits: Ben Welsh

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