Read the correspondence between USC and The Times on investigation of former med school dean

USC re­sponds to re­ports in The Times that the former dean of the uni­versity’s med­ic­al school as­so­ci­ated with crim­in­als and drug ab­users and used methamphet­am­ine and oth­er drugs with them.

Read the in­vest­ig­a­tion >>

A let­ter to the USC Board of Trust­ees from the chairs of 23 Keck School of Medi­cine de­part­ments af­firm­ing sup­port for USC Pres­id­ent C. L. Max Niki­as and Prov­ost Mi­chael Quick after al­leg­a­tions in­volving Dr. Car­men Puli­afito, former med­ic­al school dean.

Email from Car­men Puli­afito, former dean of USC’s med­ic­al school, to Los Angeles Times re­port­er Paul Pringle.

Ques­tions sent by Los Angeles Times re­port­er Paul Pringle to USC Pres­id­ent C.L. Max Niki­as.

Re­quest from Los Angeles Times re­port­er Paul Pringle for in­ter­views with USC Pres­id­ent C.L. Max Niki­as and Prov­ost Mi­chael Quick.

A re­quest from Los Angeles Times re­port­er Paul Pringle to in­ter­view Thomas Sayles, USC’s seni­or vice pres­id­ent for uni­versity re­la­tions.

Let­ter from USC Prov­ost Mi­chael W. Quick an­noun­cing that the uni­versity has ini­ti­ated the pro­cess to ter­min­ate Car­men Puli­afito after The Times re­por­ted that the former med­ic­al school dean as­so­ci­ated with crim­in­als and drug ab­users and used methamphet­am­ine and oth­er drugs with them.

Let­ter from USC Pres­id­ent C.L. Max Niki­as an­noun­cing the hir­ing of a former fed­er­al pro­sec­utor to in­vest­ig­ate re­ports in The Times that Car­men Puli­afito, the former dean of the uni­versity’s med­ic­al school, as­so­ci­ated with crim­in­als and drug ab­users and used methamphet­am­ine and oth­er drugs with them.

This is a let­ter from USC Prov­ost Mi­chael Quick to the school’s fac­ulty. He writes that “we made what we felt were the best de­cisions we could make, as swiftly as could be done in a prudent and thought­ful man­ner, and giv­en the in­form­a­tion that we had at the time.”

USC Pres­id­ent C.L. Max Niki­as ad­dressed the cam­pus com­munity’s con­cerns after The Times re­por­ted that its former med­ic­al school dean as­so­ci­ated with crim­in­als and drug users who said he ab­used methamphet­am­ine and oth­er drugs.