Veterans Affairs

Veterans Affairs: Final access audit of VA medical centers

More than 6 mil­lion ap­point­ments are cur­rently sched­uled at Vet­er­ans Af­fairs fa­cil­it­ies across the coun­try, ac­cord­ing to an audit re­leased Monday. Though 96% of those are set to take place in the next 30 days, new pa­tients of­ten wait weeks or months for a first ap­point­ment. An­oth­er 57,436 new pa­tients have waited more than 90 days to sched­ule ap­point­ments, and 63,869 who en­rolled in the sys­tem over the last dec­ade have yet to be seen. The doc­u­ments pos­ted here provide a vari­ety of wait-time meas­ures for 141 VA health­care sys­tems as well as over­views of the situ­ation na­tion­ally and in South­ern Cali­for­nia.