Wheels of Fortune

    Key documents behind the Times series

    A little-known corner of the used car busi­ness is thriv­ing in a sour eco­nomy. Buy Here Pay Here deal­ers sell to people with cred­it prob­lems, slapping huge markups on vehicles and char­ging in­terest rates that approach 30 per­cent on loans. For this series, Times re­port­er Ken Ben­sing­er re­­viewed hun­­dreds of pages of pub­lic re­cords, including sales con­tracts, law­suits and state motor vehicle rec­ords. Read the full Times series. »

    Part 1

    Contracts, lawsuits and other documents that show how Buy Here Pay Here dealers sell, finance, repossess and resell cars. Read the story.

    Part 2

    Wall Street is betting big on the Buy Here Pay Here sector.

    Part 3

    How a 2003 Kia Optima was sold eight times by the same dealer.

    Credits: Ken Bensinger, Ben Welsh