
Winklevoss Twins petition to void court ruling

Camer­on and Tyler Winkle­voss are ap­peal­ing a court rul­ing that says the twin broth­ers must abide by a 2008 set­tle­ment with Face­book and its co-founder Mark Zuck­er­berg.

The twins claim that Zuck­er­berg stole the idea for Face­book from them while they were all stu­dents at Har­vard, but dropped their suit in a set­tle­ment that awar­ded them $20 mil­lion in cash and stock in the so­cial net­work­ing web­site.The Winkle­voss twins are ask­ing that the set­tle­ment be voided be­cause they claim to have dis­covered after the agree­ment that their stock was worth less than Zuck­er­berg had claimed in 2008.

Published: April 18, 2011
Sources: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
Credits: Nathan Olivarez-Giles, Ben Welsh

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