Withdrawn LAFD restoration plan

LAFD Chief Bri­an Cum­mings told the city Fire Com­mis­sion Tues­day he’s pulling back for more study an am­bi­tious plan called for by the City Coun­cil that would boost the de­part­ment’s ranks and aim to lift its sag­ging re­sponse times.

Last Decem­ber, Coun­cil mem­bers Eric Gar­cetti and Mitch Englander de­man­ded that fire of­fi­cials ap­pear be­fore the full pan­el after Cum­mings failed to pro­duce the multi-year budget plan they re­ques­ted earli­er in the year to im­prove ser­vice and re­sponse times.

The first ver­sion of that plan was cir­cu­lated pub­licly last week. It called for the res­tor­a­tion of 336 po­s­i­tions trimmed when the de­part­ment’s budget was cut dur­ing the eco­nom­ic down­turn.

Published: March 19, 2013
Sources: Los Angeles Fire Department
Credits: Ben Welsh

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