Work on Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas’ home

The county re­leased doc­u­ments this week show­ing the scope of the work per­formed by county crews at Su­per­visor Mark Rid­ley-Thomas’ home in Septem­ber and Oc­to­ber as part of a pro­ject to in­stall a se­cur­ity sys­tem. A con­tract­or charged the county $6,239 to re­place in­teri­or walls in Rid­ley-Thomas’ con­ver­ted gar­age and trench the prop­erty for an elec­tric­al up­grade, among oth­er work. Rid­ley-Thomas re­im­bursed the county $3,759 on Oct. 29 for an air con­di­tion­er with a heat pump, a flat-screen tele­vi­sion and a re­fri­ger­at­or the crews placed in the gar­age. Of that amount, $960 was for labor costs for in­stalling the air con­di­tion­er and heat­er, ac­cord­ing to the re­cords.

Sources: Los Angeles County